Kindle is free on the PC. You can order books and read it on your laptop without having to buy an actual Kindle – best of all, some books are free. Click here for install instructions. (If you are underage, get your parent to create the account and do the install for you). With ebooks, you can make notes, highlight and look up dictionary/wiki very easily without leaving the Kindle application.

We often talk about mechanics of techniques during classes. A very useful book Mechanics 101 is available FREE right now (check to make sure the price hasn’t changed before ordering because FREE is only a temporary promotion). It is a very easy-to-read refresher for some of us and great for those who are still in high-school / university too. When you read it, you can’t help but wonder why some of our crappy Physics teacher made it so hard back then! 🙂

No, I do not get any commission for the free stuff. But in case you are interested in buying through Amazon, do use the list and searches on the sidebar – everything helps to bring in new training equipment and aids. 🙂

Again, no specific assignment for this week – trying to give some of you an opportunity to catch up. Do try the book mentioned up there and let me know what you think.

Free ebook – Mechanics 101