For most people, those words mean the same. However, if you can articulate the differences, it may help you reflect on your own training and see if it can benefit from some fine tuning of emphasis.

gong(功) – This is the foundation layer that makes may be general to any style as well as things that are specific to a style. As an example, hitting the bags, conditioning your hands, arms and shin, weight lifting, jogging to improve aerobic aerobic capacity, speed work, improving flexibility are all classified under this category and almost all styles include those drills. However, aside from the physical attributes, there are mental aspects that need to also need to be trained to improve. For example, your ability to withstand pain when you are tired, your ability to stay calm despite pressure, your ability to focus on the right things despite distractions and stress, your ability to relax while delivering hits and many more. So this training aims to provide more assessable resources for martial purposes. However, if that is your only focus, you will not reach your best potential.

fa(法) – This is the structural framework of your developmental journey in fighting. It is like going through the basic education system. You cover certain subjects to a certain proficiency and you get a certificate or belt. In kung fu, it is like telling your parents “I passed by belt test” or “I just learned the xyz form”. While there is s standard measurement, by itself, it doesn’t offer you any guarantees for success in a real fight. Every style have their preference and vocabulary. For example, taekwondo’s emphasis is on kicking and so the method is various kicks. Baqua is on travelling mobility, twists and turns and so the method is how to make those twist and turns useful. That syllabus has an influence on how a person trains. For example, you need to stretch and have good leg flexibility if you do taekwondo. This is how you separate one style from another. It is required to establish the common term of reference within a style or a class. Examples are the forms, skills, defense system, etc. You listen, imitate, watch, feel and repetitions to be able to truly reproduce what was taught. Furthermore, sometimes, some techniques are ‘hard’ for some individuals because they lack some foundational attributes. So Kung and Fa has to go hand in hand.

shu(術) – For example, to be a lawyer, you need at least the basic language skills so that you can “read the fine print”. Furthermore, you have to feel comfortable with public speaking. You also have to be a good listener. Those are the foundation or enabling layer. As for “fa”, you just know the law for the discipline that you specialize in. However, to be a great lawyer, you have to be adaptable and must be able to see / hear things that most other people glance over. You have to be able to read the judge, the jury, the habits of your opposing lawyer and much more. This practical application of law can only be taught to a limited extent. It cannot be rehearsed and then simply regurgitated. It involves the ability to read / trigger a situation, self awareness, interaction, experiences dealing with people inside and outside a discipline, it is about the ability to detect, to interact and to influence the outcome. Not everyone can or has the opportunity to get to this level. You need a mentor that really treasures your progress. This is the difference between an awesome chef vs a line cook, an author versus a secretary. This also separates out a master vs a typical practitioner. For martial arts as a self defense discipline, you must work with people of different height, size, speed and power. Furthermore, each will have different movement patterns and tricks up their sleeves. Making the journey even tougher is that decisions have to be made at the blink of an eye and usually, a bad decision leads immediate pain. The goal of a martial arts instructor is not to use sparring as a filtering system so that only the strong survives but to find ways to nurture the growth of the students. Towards this end, I try my best to systemize, improve and renovate the teaching and training methods.

Differences between gong(功), fa(法), shu(術)