I am allergic to blocking attacks. This phrase started as a means to teach my preferred defense technique. Yes, everyone should learn how to block properly but it should be the option of last resort and certainly not the first thing to learn.

Moving the target can be as simple as running away from imminent threat. However, that is not the only option and neither will it work all the time. Other options like boxing’s bobbing and weaving are other examples of moving the target. Even shifting the angle of landing can reduce the force of impact.

A lot of people take “moving the target” as being too passive. Who says you have to wait till the hit arrives? You are always free to move and therefore you can always provide a moving target instead of a static target.

“Move the target” is not just physical movement. This can be psychological as well. For example, re-direct the focus into something / somebody else. Politicians use that a lot, they shift the blame from themselves to somebody/something else. Or they say that everyone should take responsibility.

Ultimately, everything stay at the concept level without ever coming into reality without the conscious effort to bring it into your daily life. How can you train and bring all the 3 rules of self defense beyond the original idea of just “self defense”.

Give some situations as to why “running away” is not always an option.

3rd Rule of self defense – Move the target