This week Darryl and Ben both saw some interesting videos and submitted the material for this week’s blog. It makes me happy to see the participation and contribution. Tapping into resources like YouTube is invaluable regardless of whether you agree with the specific idea or not – sometimes all you need is a trigger to ask the right question.

***** Darryl

We train ourselves to become faster and stronger but fighting & self-defence is not just about the individual. There is always an opposing force. An attacking mindset is not just moving forward and trying to punch, kick, throw or chase a target. If you can tag or freeze an opponent you increase the chance of your attack landing AND you can also prevent them from firing back. Last week we saw examples of how boxers attack. Look at the following videos and pick one to try to relate to last week’s blog/lessons or even what we learned in the month prior when we focused on defending attacks.

**** Ben

Long time ago, you used similar technique on someone else. One difference between you and the technique on the video is that you went from low to high target Dominic’s body center and his is from high to low to opponent head.

Watching the video, I can “talk” about how to avoid this kind of knee attack in theory. But just “talk/think” won’t enable me to handle a 5’8″ person flying in.

Watch the video and go through the analysis. Can you extend it beyond what was said?

How did that work?