Burning crop residues is a farming practice that has been done for generations. Some think that the practice help kill pests related to the crop. The ashes from the residues are rich in potassium and calcium; this adds value to the soil and benefits the crop. Read what recent researches find.

A huge forest fire can leave the land bare for quite a few years. Small interruptions can be good and provides a jolt to rejuevenate the growth process and allows other plants and vegetation to come in. There are forestry experts that think controlled burning can help avoid some of the forest fires.

In life, we don’t always have a black or white answer to most questions. Most answers depend on what you are trying to achieve, whether you focus in on the short term benefits or the long term implications. The following is an awesome video about how the re-introduction of wolves in Yellowstone changes everything.


A lot of people memorize solutions rather than understanding why it works and the assumptions behind it. Furthermore, some don’t think of the implications of their decisions. Share some of your experiences.

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