Names are not too useful in my books. However, to make reference to a specific phrase within the form, names can be handy. Furthermore, when you ask me where we are within the form, using the phrase count is a convenient way to measure how far (or little) we have completed – we just finished phrase 12.

築基(上路) First section
01 停車問路 02 臨崖勒馬 03 閉門推月 04 撥雲見日 05 臨崖勒馬 06 摘星換斗
07 鴻雁雙飛 08 閉門推月 09 孤雁出群 10 野馬追風 11 川流不息 12 伏虎聽風

13 聲東擊西 14 青龍探爪 15 丹成九轉 16 撥雲見日 17 順水推舟 18 怒馬回頭
19 瓶花落硯 20 高山流水 21 童子送書 22 樵夫擔柴 23 天官指星 24 五雲捧日
25 托天蓋地 26 燕子抄水 27 朝陽貫耳 28 截手雙推 29 薰風掃葉 30 燕子啣泥
31 靈猿摘果 32 猛虎回頭 33 旋轉乾坤

築基(下路) Second section
34 風擺荷葉 35 掩手紅拳 36 琵琶遮面 37 流星趕月 38 燕子斜飛 39 丹鳳朝陽
40 翻江攪海 41 倒騎龍背 42 狸貓撲蝶 43 抽樑換柱 44 風捲殘雲 45 螫龍現身
46 烏龍擺尾 47 平分秋色 48 走馬觀花 49 魁星獻斗 50 燕子穿雲 51 提手七星
52 雁字橫斜 53 黃龍轉身 54 五聖朝天 55 葉底藏蓮 56 鳳凰展翅 57 白鶴啄魚
58 月掛松梢 59 倒揭牛尾 60 童子抱琴 61 犀牛望月 62 鷂子穿林 63 赤龍攪水
64 風動浮萍 65 氣升昆崙 66 存氣開關

The following is a translation of all the above by one Canadian practicioner – Kim Goldberg. It is a great starting point.

The season-end show is coming up June 23rd. While I want all of you to remember and practice what you have learned, I want you to pick something to become its specialist (probably with a partner). Find a way to describe the phrase/move your picked. Then create a draft plan of how to best show/explain that specific move. It is a good exercise to go through this thinking process regardless of what the final decision.

Names of phrases within Zhú Jī 築基