The following is a powerful video. Most think that this can only happen overseas and never in North America.

Yes, no one have a gun to your head. However, just think: how many girls are ‘programmed’ to think what is a perfect body? How many people measure success by how much money a person make? How many can actually see both sides of a story instead of just what is presented by the media? How many are told who they are instead of being encouraged to discover who they are? The list goes on and on.

Canada is a free country. However, it is still your responsibility to find the truth for yourself. Exercise your brain and exercise your rights to be free. If you don’t use it, you lose it without even knowing it.

I have some strange math that I use in class. What do I mean by the following:

  • 1 + 1 = 1
  • 1 + 1 > 2

Give it a try even if you cannot remember or haven’t learn that yet.

Dictated truth 2+2=5