KISS rule – Keep It Simple, Stupid. The amount of work behind such simplicity often goes unappreciated.

Balances, pivots, extreme flexibilities, jumps and flips all seems so effortless when performed by a high level gymnast; a ball that rolls around the body in almost impossible angles must be enabled by some magical magnetic force; throws of light apparatus up the ceiling and catching without even looking seems easy; turn-around flips and twists seems to defy gravity. The gymnasts, coaches and choreographer’s job is to make really difficult things look simple and easy. Behind the stage, countless number of hours were spent perfecting it. You must first have the passion to pursue something that seem impossible. Furthermore, wisdom get passed beyond country boundaries and generations. New ideas get generated through experimentation – with lots of failures in between. Finally, one day, it all comes together and the rest of the world then realize that it is possible and follow.

A lot of people have the impression that achieving a relaxed state is simple and easy. Talk to high-level coaches from different sport and arts: dance, Tai-chi, athletics and many more. “Relax” is one simple state that is hardest to teach – especially during stress.

In martial arts, a lot of people scorn at seemingly effortless techniques and think that it is a hoax. Proper application of body physics and understanding of your opponent’s intent are the ‘science’ behind it. Is it easy? Well, it is the hardest as well as the easiest thing to do – once you get it, you wondered why you struggle with it for so long. Is it always achievable? No, it depends on your adaptability. If an athlete at the Olympic Games level can wipe out, so can you! Can skills guarantee you success? With ‘science’ behind you, it elevates your chances. However, skill is just one of the many considerations in a fight – others can counterbalance it with other attributes.

Read two older related articles:
We all want answers
Stories – the simple secret
What is our approach in simplifying things?

‘Simple and easy’ as an impression and a goal