Olympics came and gone. What an incredible couple of weeks!

Following are some of my personal thoughts:

  • Lots of kids get inspired by the Olympics and want to represent their country one day. Most won’t and so the motivation cannot be the Games or medals but the journey itself. Learning through game play is a better way to teach the kids about life than just talks.
  • For some countries, they specialize and dominate a sport and own the podium. For example, Russians and Norwegians in 50K cross country, Dutch in speed skating, Koreans in short track and Canadians in hockey and curling (yeh!). When everyone in the country live and breath the sport, the abundance in facility and participants, the level of expertise all makes the difference.
  • All the athletes look like superman and superwoman on the field of play. However, not all are pain free / injury free on game day. In fact, some of those on the podium came back from a year long struggle against injuries. Mental strength, technology of recovery are often the final deciding factor.
  • Physical attributes do matter as you can see the size difference in pair skating where the girl is usually so much smaller than the guy who does the lifting. Boxing have weight classes for obvious reasons, can anyone explain to me why we don’t have height class in sprinting?
  • In some sports, it is a lot about skill and reaction time, if it hurts, it means you are doing something very wrong. In cross country, if it doesn’t hurt, you are probably not trying your best.


Everyone have their own way of coming up with good excuses. Champions find a way to make it happen. Find your passion and give it your best – ultimately, you are the final deciding factor of your own destiny.
Set some short term and longer term goals and define a plan to make that happen. Describe (can be kung fu, study or career)

Olympics – some parting thoughts