Language barrier exists even if it is your own mother tongue. Slang, emoticon on the internet, cultural background, abbreviations, acronyms within a trade, tech jargon all make effective communication a challenge.

I speak both English and Chinese but I still find directly translation from one to another quite a challenge.

If your goal is communication and NOT to know a language, you will bypass the lack of words or proper grammar. You will use single words, hand gestures, analogies or whatever works. Kids bypass language barriers quickly because they learn only what is relevant. Furthermore, they are not shy, they talk in their own language and then adding a few words that they picked up here and there to complete it.

Some people talk without considering if the listener understands or how others feel. For these people, language is no longer a tool for communication but just self expression. Words can easily become a lose gun to these people and cause unnecessary hurts.

This blog is intended to stimulate your thought process, raise questions and not necessarily provide answers. A question that lingers can be more beneficial than a simple short answer. There are indeed times when we need to discuss it because you are totally looking the wrong direction. You may not always understand why I even pick a certain topic but trust me, everything that I write here is relevant and important our LHBF journey.

Given this random topic, what keywords would you use to find search within the blog to find prior related topics?
What is the relevancy of the topic to our martial arts class?

Language barrier