Decided to take July off for a mental and physical break to get recharged for a new season. Some of you have ankle, shoulder, back or whatever injuries or ailments to take care of. This is the time to allow yourself to get fully heal up. Catch up with some housework or family time….use everything you learn in a different but productive and relevant way. Have some fun!

Taking-a-break does not mean you are going to allow yourself to rot physically and mentally. Make it an active rest where you are going to take advantage of the July sun and do more outdoor stuff. Read some of the old blogs and your answers and see if it means something deeper now. Challenge your body to move at a different tempo or pattern. Allow yourself to fully stretch out so that you have increased range of motion. Hike, cycle, run, swim, yoga or whatever.

Some of you have been specializing in one flow of the liuhung bashi, now is the time to extend it beyond where you had it in June in terms of quality, concept and application. Rather than using the definition as a scoping statement, use it as a seed word and see what you can come up with. Be prepared to share it with others when we come back together in August.

This is not all about what activity is suitable or not. This is about trying something new and seeing how it impact you or how your body/mind respond to it. Furthermore, this is to test how well you can drive yourself in a parallel (not the same) path and yet making it relevant. Last but not least, we will try to arrange for some social gathering end of July or first long weekend of August. Let me know if you are in town.

I will still be blogging every now and then but probably a little bit less scheduled. 🙂
In the meantime, have fun and enjoy the summer!
Happy Canada Day!!

Holiday time (Rejuvenation)