If self defense is just about punching, kicking and fighting, it is like learning ONLY how to clean your shoes AFTER you step into dog poop. Furthermore, to gain experiences in this ‘cleanup’ process, one should look for more dog poop to step on.

It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it. I am sure there are better ways! Believe it or not, it takes a few nudges and pokes to get the right answer out of the kids. Of course, you try to avoid the dog poop (or trouble) in the first place.

To assume there are no dog poop on the street is equally bad. By the same token, to wish that the world is perfect is not going to work – there are absolutely NO EXCUSES NOT to learn how to strike or defend yourself effectively. However, to avoid trouble before it even begins or to apply techniques that your adversary cannot even see are a lot more effective.

– Why do I use the “dog poop” analogy?
– Give me examples of solutions that people can’t easily see.

Dog poop