We not only blew past 12/12/12, martialgym just finished our 10th year. We accomplished a lot but there are still lots to do and to improve on. We can do it as a team!

During the holidays I have been digitizing some really old VHS videos – some that would have been lost soon because of the change in technology – VHS, camcorder tapes, firewire and more. For this project, I had to run the old tapes through a video signal enhancer, then through an old SONY camcorder that has digitizing capability, find a computer that supports firewire, then copy the avi files via USB to another faster computer so that it can encode into MP4 for permanent archiving. It has been fun looking through the tapes, some were from the early 80s, some footages are one of a kind as some of the old masters have already passed away.

Anyways, since this is a holiday break, give you a funny video to enjoy. Best wishes for 2013!

Well, just in case you don’t remember, there wouldn’t be any class on January 1st. Kaitlin and Brytton forgot today and came knocking on my door ;-). Have an awesome new year’s eve and best of luck in 2013. 🙂

TGI Dec 31st!