“Fake it till you become it”

Those that have lower back pains, neck stiffness, tight shoulders often need to change their daily working postures to solve the culprit of their problems. Furthermore, postures affect how other people sees you and it also affects how you feel about yourself – confidence, readiness, openness, alertness, etc. I was only recently that I saw this video from TED by Amy Cuddy that scientists detected actual hormonal changes with a mere 2 minute posture change.

Understanding that posture changes can make a difference is an intellectual process. However, most of us read a lot of ‘what we should do/think daily’ but how many of those actually make a difference? Real changes and improvements can only happen if you can change your daily habits.

Especially for us who do martial arts, posture affects mechanics and muscle tension. So a good understanding and constant practice is important.

  • How do you change habits? (Give me something past just ‘practice’.)
  • Do you practice posture at all? what disciplines / forms of exercises / sports / martial arts train predominantly via postures?
  • Give me at least 8 adjectives that can be added to postures? For example, ‘static’ postures.
Postures and you
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