“In one of those “wealth” seminars, one of the speaker was midway in his presentation when a guy walked out. He was curious and asked why the guy left so early. The guy said, “You gave me a good idea”. The presenter asked, “I have more ideas for you and what about the rest of the speakers?”. The guy answered, “No, all I need is one good idea and the devotion to make it work”. Guess who became a millionaire years later.

An old master taught his students long staff. A servant of the master was not allowed to learn but he peeked and learn only the basic move – the stab. One day, a challenger came and defeated all the master’s students who knew the entire form. The old master figure that he has to face the challenger himself but the servant says “Let me take on the challenger”. The master said “But I never taught you anything?”. “I apologize for practicing without your permission, master. I was practicing the basic stab and will be enough to handle this challenger”. Without more words, he took on the challenger and used the simplest skill of all but with blinding power and speed and beat the challenger.

I can’t verify if the two stories were real. However, I do believe in the moral of the story. Most people are too distracted to make the best out of what they have and ended up with nothing. It is easy to complain and say I wish I am more flexible, younger, taller, smarter, faster or whatever – the reality is that it is really up to you to make the best of what you have been dealt with.

This week’s exercise is very easy…it is in preparation for the coaching workshop Feb 21st. Remember the workshop starts 6pm. 🙂

  • Send me some of the most common question people ask you (or that you still have about Kung Fu or LHBF in general)? Make your best attempt to answer it too. 🙂
All I need is one good idea
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