Tai-chi and other internal martial arts emphasize on sensitivity – forces, energy flow, etc. They do not believe in resistance training like weight lifting. To enhance “the feel”, their form is practiced slow and relaxed (one of the LHBF form is also practiced slow). So are they right? do we really have to make a choice?

Nature shows us that something good can be bad too – breeze is nice on a hot summer day but can be devastating in a tornado. Surfing at the beaches is awesome but tsunami is wicked, snow is great for skiing until the avalanche. The law of nature embraces both yin and yang. I believe the human body and mind is capable of handling both opposites – sensitization and desensitization.

If you learn martial arts because you want to have the capability to protect your love ones, then having both “hard and soft” increases your range and therefore adaptability. As a simple scenario, if you cannot carry any weight, you will not be able to carry someone out from a burning house. If you cannot deliver a hard solid punch, you cannot even be a good training partner because you have no idea on how it will be like realistically. Furthermore, if you are too sensitive, you will not be able to make some hard decisions in life.

Those that choose to ignore the soft, sensitive side are short changing themselves too. Sensitivity training is about developing your sensory system (and of course what to do with the information). Sensory is similar to a computer’s “user interface” or “input subsystem” – being able to accept input effectively is fundamental to its operation and existence. Look at the world around you, water, flame, wind, plants, soil, etc all have immense ability to mold and adapt. Efficiency is gained by using the right tools (or shape) at the right time. Those that are insensitive to others can never draw the full potential from their team. Learn to appreciate life, art, motion even if it is totally out of context.

Desensitization is a necessary evil and make give you an impression of being invincible but it is sensitization that gives you a strategic edge and makes you human.

Every person can feel, so it is more a matter of degree and whether you can improve and use the inputs effectively. The following highlights a few things we are after:
– feel and use the line(s) of force, distance, speed, power, shape, line(s) of support, etc
– feel intent via verbal queues, body language and be able to pick up things “out of place”. Good intuition is an elevated ability to read subtleties and draw from past experiences to help predict future outcome.
– find and face your own fear and weaknesses before your adversary finds it
– feel, find and leverage off positive energy, inspirations, little acts of kindness and humanity around you. Reproduce and amplify that positivity and others will reciprocate

Exercise (email me with your answers / questions):
– elaborate on how you can “Improve and use” the item listed as “feel and use the line of force, distance…”
– looking at the computer in the diagram above, identify alternate ways to input besides the keyboard?
– name human’s sensory system (use wiki if necessary)

Sensitize – as a strategic advantage (Part 1)