Human has a tendency to overdo things. What can be positive suddenly becomes a negative. The following are just a few examples:

  • A lot of people love gardening in the spring but usually they rush and is sore for a few days after. While this is alright when you are young, it certainly put you at risk if you are a senior.
  • It is natural for parents to want to protect their kids. However, when the parents are over protective, then their kids do not have a chance to explore – to make and recover from their own mistakes.
  • A lot of people have great exerecise plans in the new year (or coming back from an injury). However, without managing their enthusiam, they overdo it and end up having to discard their plan, leading to a yo-yo type of training cycle, leading to injuries or giving up totally.
  • Being trusting and having faith is good but if you become a blind follower and lose independent thinking, it is bad.
  • For a company, too much debt can be bad but being overly conservative and not investing in the future at all is a sure way of losing to your competitions over time.
  • A lot of the sports injuries are caused by overuse. Having the appropriate challenges AND rest time are both needed to reach your potential.

Diving in completely or total avoidance are both non-productive. However, finding the right balance means ‘finding the right shade of gray’, it can be elusive and confusing. What is right for one may not be right for another.

What are the most common “over-doing” mistakes in martial arts? Try for a list of eight.
To persevere is good but to be stubborn is bad. How do you distinquish one from the other?
Do you have a tendancy to overdo things? What is on top of that list?

Overdoing it